Offline PDF Maps
Maps can be loaded to your phone for use outside of cell service. The maps are downloadable through an app called Avenza Maps that is free and available for Android, Apple, and Windows mobile phones.
Once loaded the maps show your current location without the need for any cell service. A brief overview can be found HERE. Additional information on app functionality can be found on the Avenza website.
You can see the coverage areas of the PDF maps on the Snowmobile Recreation Planner map. Click the Avenza logo in the top left to toggle the coverage areas on/off (the dark grey rectangles show the coverage area). Clicking on a rectangle gives you additional information along with links to get the Avenza map or download a PDF for viewing or printing.
The OHV PDF maps are available through the riding areas shown at the initial extent. Clicking on riding area gives you additional information along with links to get the Avenza map or download a PDF for viewing or printing.